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Are you a Candidate?

How it Works

This study involves undergoing a baseline evaluation then a follow up every two years. Each evaluation has six components:

Step 1 1

1: Interview and Testing of Your Memory and Thinking

The interview will tell us a bit about your lifestyle and health factors. The testing of your memory and thinking will measure your attention, reasoning, and other skills.

step 2

2: Blood Draw

The blood draw helps us understand the biological and genetic factors that influence aging. You will be asked to provide several tablespoons of blood for standard blood work.

step 3

3: Research Functional Exam

You will be asked to perform some motor tests such as standing up and walking a short distance.


4: Informant Interview

You will be asked to provide the name of a person we can contact to ask questions about your memory and daily activities.

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5: MRI Scan

The MRI of the head shows us the volume and thickness of the brain. It also tells us if you have bleeding, inflammation, damage from an injury or stroke, or problems with your blood vessels. You will have to lie still for the duration of the scan.


6: PET Scan

The PET scan can show us if you have proteins in your brain that can lead to the development of Alzheimer’s disease. This scan involves injecting a liquid containing a small amount of radiation, which is considered safe. You may eat and drink normally after your visit, but try to drink more water. Although the amount of radiation from the scan is low, consider limiting contact with women who are pregnant and young children for a few hours.

You Can Change the Future
of Alzheimer's Disease!



Need more information? Click on a question to expand and reveal the answer. 

  • The six components may be scheduled over multiple visits.
  • The study may take up to 10 hours to complete.
  • Most participants complete the study in three visits.
  • You must be 30 years or older.
  • You must be Hispanic, African American or Non-Hispanic White
  • You must be willing and able to undergo an MRI and a PET scan.
  • You will be compensated for your time and participation.
  • You can choose to have a copy of your results sent to you and your health care provider.
  • The National Institute of Health and the National Institute on Aging fund this research study.

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Research is at the heart of all medical advances and it helps us understand new ways to treat, prevent and cure disease. Your participation contributes to a better understanding of healthy aging, Alzheimer's disease, and related conditions.

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